Walk-ins are Welcome! We invite you to stop by and check our study groups and activities.

The Spirits' Book Study Group
MONDAYS 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
An interactive study of Allan Kardec's The Spirits' Book. A reflective study of this magnificent work that the spiritual plane sent to Earth. Come reflect with us!
+Magnetized water
+Held in Portuguese
Learn Spiritism - Allan Kardec Study Group
WEDNESDAYS 7:30 -9:00 PM
An interactive study group for those interested in learning the basic principles of Spiritism according to the works of Allan Kardec. Held in Portuguese.
+Magnetized water
+Held in Portuguese
Learn Spiritism - Allan Kardec Study Group
THURSDAYS 7:00 - 8:30 PM
An interactive study group for those interested in learning the basic principles of Spiritism according to the works of Allan Kardec. Held in English.
+Magnetized water
+Held in English
Fraternal Assistance
FRIDAYS 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Individual, one-on-one conversation. Going through a hardship? Need to talk with someone? You are welcome to call our Hopeline (203) 870-4940 whenever you need to speak with someone.
+Held in English or Portuguese
Friday Spiritist Talks
Every Friday night we welcome a guest speaker to our center to present a talk about a relevant topic of our daily lives applying the Spiritist principles and creating moments of deep reflection for the audience.
+Magnetized water
+Held in Portuguese
+Held in English on the last Friday of the month
Spiritist Family Education
SUNDAYS 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Spiritism for the family! We offer classes for all ages, including babies, children, teens, and parents. Our classes are fun, creative, and very interactive. Our educators are very enthusiastic. Bring your kids. No registration is needed. Walk-ins are welcome.
+Classes for babies
+Classes for children and teens
+Parents Study Group
+Held in English